In trying to track down the cause of a long beachball following the run of a procedure triggered by a timer. I’ve discoverfed via the Timer Workshop that a huge number of Temp timers are being created, all set to run at the same instant.
Trying to see if something I had done was at fault, searches for wait or delay have turned up nothing.
The scroll bar on the screen shot shows that there are quite a few of them. Eventually they all disappear as does the beachball. I never get the opportunity to look into one to see what it’s doing
The quantity and the length of the delay are seemingly effected by the size of the array processed in a LoopArray, but all tasks within it have been executed and done.
Panorama internally uses lots of anonymous timers, you aren’t finding them because they are generated in the Objective C code. There are dozens of places where these are used, there’s no way to tell what the timer does from the Timer workshop. Normally however they wouldn’t stack up like this - your loop must not have any breaks where the timer code can run.
Is this a shared database? Anonymous timers are heavily used by the sharing code, for example for record locking/unlocking, so that’s a good possibility. But there are also many other times where these are used.
These aren’t actually set to run at a particular instant, they are set to run as soon as possible. Since they were all triggered within a second, they show up at the same time. Keep in mind that the “Next Runtime” is the earliest time that the timer can run, but it’s not guaranteed. If there is other code already running then the timer will wait in line for it’s turn, which could be milliseconds or tens of seconds.
I think they are locked so that you can’t see what they are doing.
Hopefully you’ve already figured out from what I’ve said that these can’t be eliminated.
By paring down the procedure in the loop, I got it down to nothing but a Select. Every time my LoopArray does a select, a timer is added, such as _Temp_676221384.
By the time a sizeable LoopArray has been processed the backlog of these timers leaves a beachball on screen for some time. As much as five minutes for an array of 50 elements. Often enough it also eliminates my timer when they’re all cleared out.
zlog "start "+info("timers"
LoopArray MyArray,cr(),This
Select That = This
zlog "End "+info("timers"