Superlookup in b41?

Upgraded to b41, and now a superlookup from another database that has worked for years no longer works. Is anyone else seeing this?

TotalHourlyPaid=catcherror(TotalHourlyPaid,zeroblank(round(float(Hours)*val(superlookup("eXPRS Rates",{DateFrom<=««Date»» and DateTo>=««Date»» and Prime=««Prime»» and ServiceModifier=««Service»»},{pattern(Rate,"#.##")})),.01)))

Running the above code gives me an error saying that the field “Date” does not exist, when it actually does. Even simplifying the superlookup to skip the date lookups results in an error.

I’m finding something similar. Had had something fail fairly early in my 30+ min. long series of procedures with unexpected quits when updated from B39 to B40. That problem is no more with B41, but now about 18 min. into the set:

`FormulaFill superlookup("PurgeLinks",{«ChargeRef#»=««Entry#»»},{«AllPd»},"wrap",true())`

Throws an error: fieldvalue ( function: data field "Entry#" does not exist. The whole set of procedures still works in B39 running Ventura.

A zlog at the preceding line shows the correct db is active, the screen shows it open with the desired field active and it does have an integer field Entry#. Mine is little different than yours as my Superlookup( is used for a FormulaFill and thus in scanning mode. The double chevrons are shorthand for Fieldvalue(, used by superlookup( to provide the record of the keyvalue for your one record or my multiple scanned records. My problem appears to be with fieldvalue( rather than directly with superlookup(. I recall Jim having to fix fieldvalue( in scanning use, when it had worked in single record use, more than once. Jim probably needs another iteration for Sequoia induced code changes.

My code is probably about 6 years old. I’d replaced many formulafill superlookup( pairs with join when that became available a couple years ago, mainly for speed boosts. But instrumentation showed not all of the old pairs were slow and I had trouble getting some alternative join code to work. So I left some of the old code pairs. Trying to replace it with join now is the obvious workaround for me. I don’t know whether you can replace your superlookup( with related( for an analogous workaround.

Perhaps rather than related(, joinonerecord is what you could use.

This is the 3rd recent issue raised that makes use of double chevrons. Might that be a clue?

From Help on formulavalue:

Advanced Note: Internally, Panorama actually converts double chevrons into the fieldvalue( function.

I switched my formula fill superlookup( to join and re-ran that code (at some point I had the sense to segment this long code so I can re-run it without repeating the lead 18 min). The join worked and then up popped up same error for another case and then another. This procedure for the set had more than a dozen instances to switch and the 4th didn’t work with a join. Its superlookup was lookup from a never saved, database. That, IIRC, can be done via superlookup but not via a relationship and join. Back when I learned that I’d made some permanent dbs just for scratch work with relationships so will consider making more. But its more work than I have time for today so I will run this weekly set with B39 until I find the time or Jim finds a fix.

Yes, I think is. Investigation is under way.