Segmented Button Color?

I am using a segmented button, but I can’t get any color to show up; it is just gray with white text, or white with black text. I would like color; the help page shows color.

Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 2.16.16 PM

Is there a way to get the selected button to use a color?

That’s controlled by your system preferences.

So far, I have not found the settings that you reference in OS 13.4.1, which uses System Settings instead of System Preferences. Do you happen to know where to find the corresponding setting in System Settings?

The screen shots on the help page were made with an older version of macOS. It may have been Sierra or even earlier, in fact, probably Yosemite. Apple changes the appearances of various objects from time to time, for example there were big changes between OS X 10.9 and 10.10, and even bigger changes between macOS 10.15 and macOS 11. Panorama adopts the appearance provided by Apple. You cannot change this. So the only way to get the appearance shown by the help page would be to go back to an older version of the operating system. Unfortunately, ProVUE does not have the resources to go back and recreate thousands of screen shots when Apple changes the appearance of the user interface, I apologize for the confusion that this sometimes causes.

No problem. If I can’t change it, I will stop looking.

Oddly, if the mode is set to Toggle the segments are colored blue with white text when activated. (OS 13.5)
