Query deleted by Construct List

…enter a Query formula of info("Visible")

This is how to get a Text List to display the selected records, when Database Navigator its used. However, if I re Construct my Text List, the Query formula is deleted. This is very inconvenient, and several times I have come back to a working List, done a Construct to alter it, then wondered why it wasn’t working anymore, until I finally found the empty Query box.

Is there any reason the Constructor couldn’t just leave the Query set as-is?

The Constructor is not designed to be used interactively with manual changes. Any time you use a Constructor it will completely delete the target objects and start over. The intention is that you construct the object(s), then you can tweak them as needed. But you can’t go back and change them with the Constructor any more, unless you are ok with losing whatever tweaks you’ve made manually. In other words once you’ve tweaked an object manually, you should not go back and re-Construct it.