There are a number of printing improvements that would be welcome. I think they’ve all come up before.
Page Rollover when printing Grouped Records
Print Web Browser Object
Print Images at more than 72 dpi
Print from Secret Windows
A workaround for grouped records is to select each set one by one, print, then select the next set. Here’s what I devised.
Let lvNow = Now()
Field TempNum
FormulaFill val(str(lvNow)+".”+CustomerID)
Let lvReports = ""
ArraySelectedBuild lvReports,cr(),"",TempNum
ArrayDeduplicate lvReports,lvReports,cr()
Let lvThis = ""
LoopArray lvReports,cr(),lvThis
Select TempNum = val(lvThis) and info("Summary") < 3 ;or whatever the maximum summary should be
PrintUsingForm "”,”Statement"
Print Dialog
Select TempNum beginswith lvNow
It does cause every report to present the Print Dialog window.