I’m working on my taxes in Pan X and it has locked up, the message is that I have been using Pan for over 16 hours without being connected to the internet and that I need to connect to the internet so my subscription can be checked. This is not true, as I have been connected all day, going through online bank and credit card records. I am in a rural location and my only connection to the internet for the macbook I work on is through my cell phone hotspot.
Thank you, but unfortunately I can’t use this information as the puzzle is frozen along with Pan X itself. When it first locked up and this message and puzzle appeared I solved it with no problem, but then Pan immediately froze again as did this new puzzle. I have been mostly offline this morning but am back online now and will be until around midnight Central Time. There will be occasional drops in connection as my cell phone connection sometimes fails briefly.
This is a problem that occurs when you are using an out-of-date version of Panorama X. It sounds like you just started using Panorama X after a long break, so you probably didn’t think to update it.
Unfortunately, another symptom of this problem is that the automatic update system does not work. So you’ll need to manually download and install the latest version of Panorama. Go to www.provue.com, click Download Trial, then follow the instructions. Once you’re done, you may need to log in with your email address and password, or you might find that you are already logged in. In any case, your Panorama will now work properly and will no longer bother you to connect to the internet.
Did that, logged in with email and password, and nothing has changed. Panorama opened, I pulled up the file I’d been working on, then it I got the puzzle to solve. Solved it and am left with this:
Your Panorama preferences may have gotten corrupted somehow. There is no way to uncorrupt them, but they can be deleted using these steps.
• If it is open, Quit from Panorama X
• Open a new window in the Finder
• Choose “Go To Folder” from the “Go” menu
• Enter ~/Library/Preferences/ and press the “Go” button
• Find the file “com.provue.PanoramaX.plist” and move it to the trash
• Relauch Panorama X (this will automatically create new, default preferences)
• Log into your Panorama account
If you’ve set up any options in the Panorama X preferences window, you will need to set them up again.
Thank you! That fixed it. Unfortunately, I may have a bigger problem. This adventure gave me access to income and expense files for 2024 and 2025, but when I tried to open expenses for 2022 Panorama froze and the whole circus started over. I retraced your instructions and regained use of 2024 and 2025 records but something is very wrong with 2022. For now I can work without it, but eventually will need to retrieve it.
What does this mean? Did it start telling you that you didn’t have an internet connection again???
Please make sure that you have only ONE copy of PanoramaX.app on your computer - the most recent version. If you have any older versions, you should drag them to the trash. You don’t want to launch an old version accidentally.
Yes, the same problem. I’ve just reinstalled the latest version and have only that one including the latest update. I stlll get the freeze and now, worse, I seem to have lost access to my files. I’ve only tried to open this one, ‘2025’ out of fear of permanently losing hours of work.
I’m now almost certain that you still have an old copy of Panorama X on your computer. You need to find any old copies and get rid of them. Make sure that you only have ONE copy, the latest.
Thank you for your patience. Had to step away last night when my internet connection failed, something we’re unfortunately used to out here. I’ll get back to this Friday; today going to be 70 miles from home teaching, don’t get home until midnight.
I did briefly have two copies of Panorama X in Applications while I was downloading and installing the latest version and may accidentally have had both open at once, if that is possible. Does having a copy in Trash cause a problem?
It is possible, and not even a problem. I run multiple copies of Panorama simultaneously quite regularly.
However, what is a problem is if you run an older version. It doesn’t matter whether it is simultaneous or not, you just don’t want to run an older version at all. Keep in mind that applications aren’t necessarily in the Applications folder, they could be anywhere. Some people find that they have a dozen copies of PanoramaX.app squirreled away in different folders. The problem is, if you double click on a database, you don’t know which copy your computer will decide to run. So even if you have the latest version installed, your computer might decide to use an older copy. The best bet is to make sure there is only one copy, period. Then there is no doubt that is the copy that will be used.
No, that’s fine. The computer will ignore any application that is in the trash. Of course anything in the trash is just taking up space for no reason, but other than that, no problem.
As of now, all seems to be well. I found and trashed the extra copy of Panorama X, and followed the instructions in preferences referenced above. Like magic. I am totally inept in the ways of software and appreciate the patience and dedication of this support. I really enjoy working in Panorama, even though I’ve not delved beyond the surface of its capabilities. Thank you!