Panorama X Demo Files?

Are there any Panorama X demo files available to those of us who just got the early access invitations?

When I get stuck at certain points, I have to go through the videos, find the thing I’m trying to get working, pause the video —and then type the formula or procedure I see there into my database. It would be great to have access to some demo or example files to actually see how they work.


There are a few example files available within Panorama X. Under the Help menu choose Panorama Database Exchange and a window will open with three example files in the left column. Click any one and a description of it will open to the right. You can then click the Download button or the Open button. In time I expect Jim to add more examples and enable the scheme for others to add approved files as well. I know there were several demo files used with the Developer Training classes but I don’t believe they are available to the early access folks.

Wonderful. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, Gary!

Gary is correct, I do plan to add more files to the Panorama Database Exchange and open that up for others to submit, but for right now, here are all of the demo databases used in the video classes. This is a zip file that is about 30 megabytes.

Panorama X Intensive Training Demo FIles

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Thank you for helping all of us learn!

Thank you for the files Jim! Very much appreciated.