Is the server for Panorama 6 Activation offline? I had to do a reinstall on a server that has yet to be converted to PanX, but get an error when trying to activate Panorama. It’s the ERROR returned by AESend()…-600 that indicates the server is up but Enterprise is not.
It should be working again now.
Indeed it is. Thanks.
Knowing full well that it will be offline for ever at some time in the not distant future, I’ve got up-to-date Time Machine backups now. And I’m politely applying pressure about getting the files converted to Pan x.
I had to restore Windows computer. I know. I know. I reinstalled Panorama 6. When I try to activate with legacy serial number, reply is form not as expected. Any workarounds?
I think the error message you are seeing means that you did not enter a valid serial number. Maybe an activation code, which will not work. But my memory is very fuzzy, and I’m not going to try to fire up a 15 year computer to attempt to dig out the source code to support a product that’s been discontinued for over a decade.