I have always used checkboxes displaying an “X” on a transparent background for my tax forms. Event though the Pan X object library shows this for the Data Button, the actual graphic is a check symbol on a blue background. Am I stuck with this?
It’s a standard Apple checkmark button - the same as every other checkmark in every other program on your computer. The appearance is determined by Apple, and they do change it from time to time, though it has remained pretty much the same since OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Your Panorama standard checkboxes will always match the operating system you are running. If Apple changes the look next fall, Panorama will automatically change, even if you don’t update your Panorama application.
I think maybe you are using one of the non-standard styles that Panorama used to support. Sorry, those are no longer available. Although it’s not clear to me that any of these is an “X” on a transparent background.
If you don’t like the standard button, you can use the new Image Display Data Button to make buttons with any artwork you want. Your artwork can certainly be created with transparent sections.
But if you just want an “X”, I would suggest simply using a Text Display Object, with a formula that displays either an X or nothing. Easy peasy.
Or if you want something a bit prettier, you could use the Text Display Object with a Font Awesome icon.
Either way, you can make the Text Display Object into a button simply by adding code to it, in this case so that each click toggles the value that is being displayed. There’s a help page with more details about how to do this:
I used to use the text objects years ago before Pan created all those great check box designs. I’ll join the rest of the country and go backwards.