Page setup truncates forms

This might be an Apple issue and I have worked around it but it is worth pointing out. In my Pan 6 UPC number file, I designed the symbol 28 inches wide so I could precisely line up the 15 FlashArt, now Image, objects used to display the bars. I could use the Page Setup to shrink it down to 5% to generate a PDF that I could then export to a 600 dpi PNG file. In Pan X, no matter what scale or the paper size, only the first 8.5 inches of the form will print.

Point noted.

I wrote FlashArt for a code once, and then realized that you can usually find a font that will do it much more easily.

UPC is not a font. It uses right side bars and left side bars plus a Left Guard, Center Guard and Right Guard such that it can be scanned forwards, backwards and upside down. My Pan file saved me over $100 buying a competitor’s product which generated a separate PNG file for each code. My Pan file creates the symbol on the fly as I move from record to record.