Opening Forms on Second Monitor

I see that forms that were positioned on a second monitor when the file is saved and closed will repositon to the main screen when the file is reopened. If you use openform with the “Rectangle” option set to a value that should open the form on a second monitor it still opens on the main screen. However, if I then use zoomwindow with those same values it moves to the second monitor just as expected. Seems odd that the openform options work differently than zoomwindow does. This means that a form must first be opened on the main screen and then shifted to the second screen.

On a somewhat related note, I notice that the form blueprint generated using the Blueprint tool or from the Form menu in graphics mode does not include the window size and position. This is true with either “Entire Form…” or “Form Options…” choice. If I use a procedure with formblueprint on the same form in either Data or Graphics mode the blueprint does contain the position and size of the form window.

Ah ha, I see what was causing this. I had Panorama X set to a particular desktop and when I changed this setting to “All Desktops” the forms would reopen in the second screen just as they were when last saved. The options in openform also were able to open the form on the second screen as well. Live and learn. :grimacing: