Multiple Columns in Choice Boxes?

Hello Panorama enthusiasts!

Pan 6 allow multiple columns of choices, in the choice selection dialog. See below for an example:

Pan 6 Multiple Column Choice List

See below for a screenshot of the current situation, for the same database in Pan X.

Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 10.12.33 AM

Can Pan X arrange my choices into multiple columns, like in the first picture? If so, how?

Thanks in advance!

You spelled ā€œjalapenoā€, ā€œcantaloupeā€, and ā€œrutabagaā€ wrong, if ya care :slight_smile:

I donā€™t think PanX has ever had multi-column popups. For a long list which is alphabetized, I often use a modkey like ā€˜optionā€™ with an arrayreverse( to re-order the list, which allows faster selection for words like zucchini.

Thank you.

Thank you. I could do this, but then I would have to train people how to use it. The training could be done, but I hoping for a more elegant and straightforward solution, like the one from Pan 6.

IIRC it also could produce multi column menus for things like Fonts. Apple, pre-OSX, allowed for such, and early in OSX provided hooks for some legacy features to keep working. All such were discontinued as OSX evolved. So until Apple provides new tools supporting them you wonā€™t find them in Panorama Xā€¦ or any other Apple compliant program.

Well, thatā€™s not the answer I was hoping for. But, it allows me to move forward.

Thank you for your help.

Since your screenshot shows a form, you can just arrange radio buttons on the form any way you want. Of course then it will take up space all the time. You could put it in a separate form and use a tab panel to switch to it when you want to. Actually, I think this would be a good application for a Text List.

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Could you please explain in more detail on how this might be accomplished with a long list (in the data sheet view)?

I donā€™t use the datsheet view often, preferring a layoutā€¦
Then I use buttons to perform tasks like selection or assignment.
I have about 200 subcategories so I use a popuplist for quick navigation/choice.

local mmkey
fileglobal lSublist,lSubch
arraybuild lSublist,Ā¶,"",SubCategory
/*lSublist builds a list of, in my case, recipe subcategories, like Alcohol, Almond, Anchovy, Appetizer, soon to be reversed to Zucchini, Winter Squash, Wine, Whole Wheat
arraysort lSublist,lSublist,Ā¶
arraydeduplicate lSublist,lSublist,Ā¶

IF mmkey contains ā€œoptionā€
/// then the arrayreversed lSublist pops up in reverse order, i.e. z,y,x,w,v rather than a,b,c,d,e.

You could also use the technique Craig is describing in the data sheet.

Further down on that help page it shows how to make a popup menu this way.

Revisiting this topic, I have a client who has 144 choices in a field in the database (I know, I know). I have attached a picture of how it looked in Panorama 6. Is there anyway to do the multiple column display in the data sheet in Panorama X as it was in Panorama 6?

Even if you could still do the multicolumn choice lists and menus from pre-OSX Pan6 days if they otherwise worked like current PanX choice lists and pop-up menus they still wouldnā€™t be quite as useful as the old Pan6 kinds. Back then, IIRC, you could select items by typing the first few letters of the item. Now, (unless Iā€™m wrong in which case please educate me) you can keyboard select only by the first letter and if there are more than one entries with that initial letter whatever else you type doesnā€™t change the selection.

Yes, John, I understand. Iā€™m probably going to use the ā€œclick:ā€ trick to open a form in the middle of the screen that can search as you type, but Iā€™m asking to see if there has been an update in the choices field options that I may have missed.

No, you havenā€™t missed anything. Iā€™m not planning on ever implementing multiple columns in choice boxes. If anyone asks why, Iā€™ll just point them to the screen shot you posted a couple of days ago with 144 choices. :rofl:

Good idea, I would suggest using a Text List or a Text List + search box. Much better than 144 radio buttons.

Thanks Jim.