Minor error in documentation

Sorry I am posting here but I can’t seem to get into the Bug List.

I stumbled across this.

dialdigits in the Help Section.

The Example is referencing dialphone:

dialphone “555-1212”

Not “dialdigits”

If it was anymore “minor” it would be unborn.

Unfortunately, public access to the Bitbucket issue tracker had to be shut down because it was attacked by spammers. The issue tracker had no anti-spam tools other than to shut down public access, so there was no other choice but to make it for internal ProVUE use only.

However, this sort of documentation report doesn’t belong in the issue tracker anyway. If possible, the preferred method of submitting documentation corrections is to use the correction submission system built into the Help wizard.

Since this was set up almost a decade ago, several thousand corrections have been submitted by users. Once you learn how to do it it’s actually easier and faster than any other way to submit corrections. I really appreciate the assistance, and it’s helped make Panorama better for everyone.

But don’t submit this dialdigits correction - it’s already been taken care of.

I just checked the correction in the online help. The problem was more than just that one word. The problem is that the entire description was a holdover from dialphone.

Compare it to the <body> in the statement itself.

<description>dials one or more digits.</description>
<parameter NAME=DIGITS TYPE=TEXT>digits to be dialed.</parameter>
<body>This statement dials one or more digits. Unlike the [dialphone][] statement, the digits are dialed "as-is", with no adjustments for area code, PBX prefix, etc.

    dialdigits "1234"</body>
<history><revision version="1.0" status="No Change">Carried over from Panorama 6.0.</revision></history>