How to convert 6.0 files to PanoramaX files

Is there an easy procedure for converting 6.0 files to PanX?

See video on converting from 6 to X.

And here is the Panorama X documentation about Importing a Panorama 6 Database.

Here are the four videos available specifically to help with transitioning from Panorama 6 to X. You can find these in the Help menu, on the web page, or using these links:

Converting from Panorama 6 - Converting from Panorama 6 on Vimeo
Panorama 6 to X: Basics - Panorama 6 to X Basics on Vimeo
Panorama 6 to X: Form Design - Panorama 6 to X Form Design on Vimeo
Panorama 6 ro X: Programming - Panorama 6 to X Programming on Vimeo

The first one specifically deals with your question.