Formula Fill fails except after debug statement

I have a completely reproducible failure just now in Panorama 6:

FORMULAFILL LOOKUP(mSGoalFile,"Date Time UT Quantized",«Date Time UT Quantized»,"Goal","",0)

always behaves as if no matches have been found

FORMULAFILL LOOKUP(mSGoalFile,"Date Time UT Quantized",«Date Time UT Quantized»,"Goal","",0)

i.e. continuing execution after the debug statement, works every time.

Has anyone experienced this before?

You’re not showing us the code that comes before this statement, but undoubtably there is a select statement that has produced no matches. When that happens, any following formulafill statements will be skipped. If you want to fill all records, be sure to put a selectall statement above the formulafill statement.

When you put in the debug statement, that cancels the after effects of the previous select statement. This is really a bug in the debug statement, it should remember that there had been a failed selection and keep that status when you resume, but it does not.