Field limit problem

I had posted about the 150 field limit in December but am now having a major problem with it. Both data sheets for Form 1065 and California Form 565 won’t scroll past the middle of Schedule K which is page 4 of 7 pages of the tax form. 1065 shows +163 while 565 shows +245. I need to add more fields to the Schedule K’s and can’t. Do I have to split the files into two separate files? This is lame but I’m desparate. IRS wants 1065’s filed by March 15.

There is a setting for the max number of fields in the Panorama Settings panel as shown below.

Problem solved. We are so lucky to have Gary as a Pan genius and Jim for have these work arounds available.

Gary has a magical superpower - he reads the documentation.

The intent of this limit is to act as a “speed bump” to make people stop and think before they add hundreds of columns to their database. You can still do it, but you have to be more intentional about it. Performance of the data sheet will suffer as more columns are added. This is less of a problem with more modern versions of macOS, and with newer faster processors. But there are still many users running older versions of macOS and older, slower processors.

In the past, people would build databases with hundreds of fields and then complain about the performance. So now Panorama makes sure they are warned about the performance issues up front. If you’re ok with that, you can proceed past the limit.