Error Wizard error

Big Sur 11.4 PanX b4 build 4532
Channel procedures error: Dial module “” does not exist.

Can you elaborate on how you got to this error? I cannot duplicate it.

I was trying to set a database to open automatically when double clicking on Panorama (below “Favorites”), which I was able to do (if the database is on my hard drive, but not if the file is on dropbox…I know, off topic) and just started clicking on other Preferences tab panels. When I went from Favorites to Channels, I consistently get that message, although I have not rebooted and tried afterwards.

Yeah, I definitely can’t duplicate that. You may need to clear out your Panorama preferences.

• If it is open, Quit from Panorama X
• Open a new window in the Finder
• Choose “Go To Folder” from the “Go” menu
• Enter ~/Library/Preferences/ and press the “Go” button
• Find the file “com.provue.PanoramaX.plist” and move it to the trash
• Relauch Panorama X (this will automatically create new, default preferences)
• Log into your Panorama account

If you’ve set up any options in the Panorama X preferences window, you will need to set them up again.

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Thanks for directions, which I followed. However, now, when I go in Preferences/Channels, I get a Panorama window which says “ChannelProcedures Error: Dial module “” does not exist.”

I get this,
CleanShot 2024-11-07 at 16.08.24@2x

and after clicking OK, I get what looks like bicycle spoke turning endlessly, until I click the red close button on the window, which stops the cycling…

This has been the case for me for a long time — I don’t know how many versions of 10.2. I don’t open the Preferences window very often, but usually I end up switching between all the panes trying to find what I want (why they can’t be in a single scrolling list in a resizable window I don’t know) and whenever I click on the server pane I get the error

ChannelProcedures Error: Dial module “” does not exist

in the procedure initializeChannelModuleEditor, in the statement

let targetChannelSettings = call("_ChannelsLib","channelgetdictionary",targetchannel,targetChannelModule)

Yes, that pane then shows a busy icon, but it’s possible to switch away from it and everything else works as normal.