I’m trying to make a new database from a text file, and I get this error message: " **fileload(: The file “Connections.csv” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." It does exist. So what’s going on and what can be done?
It would seem that the problem is in the area of code where you are opening the file. How about sharing that code. Copy / Paste it here.
ie. More info is needed.
The first thing I would try is to open the text file with Panorama. That might work.
There is no code except what may exist within Panorama’s make-new-file-from-text menu command. From the File menu, New>“New Database from Text File…”.
Exactly as I did. See my reply to RAmeeti.
This sounds like what may be a permissions issue. Try opening the file in Word, or Excel, then saving it again with a slightly new name. Then try to open it in Panorama.
Try to give Panorama X Full Access rights in System Settings > Privacy & Security.
Did that and more. Opened it in Excel and saved as xlsx and then as csv. Same error. Then gave PX full disk access, then shut down and restarted. Same error.
I’m curious now. Care to send it to me? robert @ ameeti.net
Saved the file to my Downloads folder.
In Panorama, chose New/New Database from Text File. Moved to Downloads directory, selected the file, chose New Database button. Opened as expected.
Can you create a 3 row Excel file, that you then Save As a CSV and then open as above? Or is it just this file that will not open?
Even the three-row file won’t open.
Revelation! I put the full file in the downloads folder and it opened!
Problem solved, I guess. But why would it do this when it won’t open in a perfectly valid folder – granted, deeply nested but not on any shared volume etc, nothing fancy.
Thanks RAmeeti and others for your help.
Permissions apply to folders as well as files. The permissions must be correct for not only the file, but every level of nested folder. One of the enclosing folders must have permissions set so that Panorama can’t access the file. Even more confusing, macOS has a second permission system called Access Control Lists (ACL) that can also block access. Most users never use this (I never have, at least not intentionally), but perhaps some software set this without you realizing it. In a situation like this it’s often a good idea to try moving the problem file to a top level folder that you know is good. Then it may be easier to delete the problem folder (and/or nested folders) rather than attempting to actually diagnose the problem.