Crashes when I insert a field

I have Panorama 10.2 (4556) with Mac OS 15.1.1
Since installing, I am unable to insert a new field by any of the techniques - clicking in the menu bar under fields, clicking the icon to insert a field, or setting up a formula.
Panorama crashes every time.
Do you have a workaround? Are you adding a bug fix? How do I add a field?

This problem has not been reported by any other user, and inserting a field works fine for us when using macOS 15.1.1. So I think the problem is unique either to your computer or your particular database. I would start by creating a new database to see if you can duplicate the problem, or if it only happens on the specific database you are using now.

I can insert fields in other databases. Might I send you the full report to see if there is a glitch you can see that I could correct. This is an extensive database and would be hard to rebuild

I don’t know what you mean by “the full report”. The best bet would be if you could send the database itself. Compress it to a zip file and email it to the support address listed at the bottom the web site. Also, please indicate where in this database you are trying to insert the new field.

I copied the database to a text file and opened it as a new database. Then I eliminated some of the extra fields and rebuilt the forms. Now it will add insert new fields. I had tried to insert new fields both from the arrow in the bar at the top of the window and from selecting insert field under the Fields in the menu. I think the database was overloaded and I think I have set up most of the functions and forms. If I have more problem, I’ll let you know. Thanks for your quick response.