Can someone verify this potential issue?

Here’s something that crashes my copy of b31 every time.

Open panorama help
start right-clicking anywhere in the window

Just want to make sure it’s not just me…


Yep, just tried this and it crashed instantly. Pan X b31 (4223) on my M1 iMac Monterey 12.6.

it does it for me too. So far I don’t think Panorama crashes when I right-click in windows I’ve created–just the help window.

It just happens when the right-click is in the browser frame of the window.

Same here, and also in one of my own databases which use right-clicks in web browser objects.

b31 (4223); macOS 13.0.1, M1 Max.

Watts - do you mean b31? Check for Updates says that’s the latest.
I’m running Ventura on an Intel Mac. I get the same - crash and error report with right click in Help Window.

Intel Mac, Ventura 13.1, B31, PanX unexpectedly quits with right-click (or actually track pad equivalent gesture) specifically in the browser frame as Gary noted. Doesn’t quit with same gesture in topic list.

Yes, my typo, sorry!

With all these quick reports, I figured it would be easy to duplicate this problem. So I was quite surprised that I couldn’t. However, it turns out that this is one of those rare problems that doesn’t occur when running under the Xcode debugger. Once I thought of that, I was immediately able to duplicate this problem by running Panorama directly, without the debugger.

Note that if you right click on a link, that works correctly. The crash only occurs if you right click on an “empty spot” where there is no link. Of course it shouldn’t crash no matter what, so I will chase this down.

verified your latest update did fix this issue. Thanks for fixing the problem so quickly