AUTOMATIC FORM CONSTRUCTION - Can You Change Default Font Size

When using Automatic Form Construction I can’t seem to find a way to change the default Font Size.

Been searching for a while and watching some Training Videos but can’t seem to find the answer, if it is possible.


There is a chapter about Font and Size in the documentation of “Automatic Form Construction”.

I still don’t see it. Thanks KJM. When I go into construct mode of the form and I go to the Construct Menu and select Fields and Variables it defaults to Size 13 and #SystemFont.

The objects are still selected and I then select size 36, for example, The font gets bigger but the boxes they are in remain the same size.

Also as I flatulence around the form it gets pretty sensitive and crashes fairly often.

This seems pretty elementary but I am not getting it.


That is not how Automatic Construction is supposed to work. Please read the documentation in the Panorama X Help:
Automatic Form Construction
If you want to understand how the automatic construction works you should read it from start, but when you scroll down a little bit below the middle of the page, you’ll find the chapter about “Font and Size”.

Thank KJM,

Got it.

Quite different from Panorama 6.

But really cool once you know how to do it.


I don’t know if you attended live, but there were two sessions earlier this year about Automatic Form Construction in which I demonstrated step-by-step how this feature works. You can watch these sessions at any time in the Panorama Video Training wizard (in the Help menu). I think these sessions were quite popular.