Web Form Converter

It was by sheer chance that I heard from two people within a matter of days for help in getting it implemented. Both have established sharing systems up and running with multiple users in the office and over the internet. After the problems I encountered yesterday, I told one that he should go with a roll-your-own HTML solution. The other had Pan 6 web processes in place that he wants to revive. Thus my questions.

I can think of three other potential users.

In the past, the only time I used Panorama’s built-in rendering (which proved to be very impressive) was in helping someone already working with it. Otherwise I’ve always built my own HTML forms and pages from scratch - largely with the help of a program such as Dreamweaver. I could then apply Panorama’s marvelous ability to use them as templates to send and/or receive data.

The fact that I alone built more than a dozen sites for clients using Panorama should certainly be a strong indication that the desire to use it with a web interface exists. My impression is that the ability has always been under-promoted. Want to publish a page of your products, or a price list of your services, a blog, or have your data available on your phone or tablet? See this 3-year-old thread for some of my thoughts on its application potenttial.

Meanwhile, I’ve extracted the 172 pages on Web Publishing from the Panorama 6 documentation. Much of it is irrelevant but intertwined is a lot that’s very useful. Anyone who wants a copy should just ask and I’ll email it.

I don’t know what I could have skipped. The forms were uploaded and appear in the list of forms as shown in the screen shot. The first is a full-fledged form with cells to be completed and has a FollowUp action chosen, etc. The others have nothing more than a single TextDisplay object as part of my experimenation to see how it works. With no procedures or data merging involved, the links under Forms should simply open and display them. :ant: