Problem commiting change to server when closing file

I didn’t quite read your post carefully enough yesterday, and missed this key point. On further researching this, I realized that the save statement is required to make sure that the data gets saved locally. This also unlocks the record.

However, as you pointed out, when you use save with a “secret” database the window changes. There are two solutions to this:

opensecret "TestB"
setactivedatabase "TestB"
setactivedatabase "TestB"


opensecret "TestB"
setactivedatabase "TestB"
closedatabase "TestB"

I’ve tested both of these approaches and they appear to work correctly with the b29 release. The unlockrecord statement isn’t needed (the save statement unlocks automatically). I’ve changed closefile and closedatabase so that they also unlock automatically, but the save statement is still needed.