Panorama X Server Pricing

A question about multiple server pricing came up in a private email that I think might be of interest to a wider audience. There is actually no additional charge for running more than one sharing server on an account – as long as the same clients are involved. Panorama doesn’t keep track of how many servers are running, only how many client seats are used. A client that connects to multiple servers associated with the same account is not counted multiple times.

For example, suppose a company has a production server with 12 sharing users. In addition, they also have a development server with only two users, let’s say Bob and Jeff. Assuming that Bob and Jeff are included in the 12 users of the production server, the overall charge will be for 12 seats, not for 14 seats. (I’m saying Bob and Jeff but actually users aren’t tracked, only computers. So when I say “12 sharing users” on the production server, I really mean 12 computers have connected to the server.)

For web publishing the usage is cumulative – all of the server traffic for all servers associated with the account will be added up. Of course in the scenario above, the development server probably won’t have much traffic, so it won’t add much.

So if you want to spin up an additional server, either temporarily or even permanently, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to double the costs, unless the different servers are used by different client computers. In fact, in most situations there would be no additional cost at all.