Panorama X has no object spacing feature

Another example of the synergy generated by this forum.

One suggestion - because you’ve used the integralrectangle( function when obtaining the initial coordinate (rtop or rleft), you don’t need to use the pattern( function - you can sort the array with arraynumericsort(.

Gentlemen, thank you, that is very nice. I will use it a lot.

I agree. I know that at my company many people will begin using PanX when the server is done, assuming they haven’t already given up on PanX and decided to switch to Filemaker.

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Dimming a menu when it is not possible to do something…

Is this an Apple HIG thing or a ProVUE belief?

I’ve often found myself frustrated when I find a menu item that is dimmed and to me, I didn’t easily understand why it was dimmed. In my mind, I was preferring it to be available (as that was what I was wanting to do) but then a resulting dialog would tell me what I needed to do to make use of the menu item. In this case, it would take me to the screen where I could then select those additional objects that would be needed to do the action. Having only a dimmed menu item is akin to someone standing over you saying, ‘Not until you say the magic word and, I’m not going to tell you what it is.’

Yes, the server is being waited for by many.

But yes, this feature will be appreciated by many as well. Life will always require trade offs. Where is Ms Reynolds and all the other wonderfuls from the past.

Definitely an Apple thing. Not only is in in the HIG, but Apple has a whole section of the API that is devoted to enabling and disabling user interface items.

I agree with you that this needs to be used judiciously. But using it this way with selected objects in a graphical editor is definitely the platform standard. As an example, here is Keynote’s Arrange menu when no objects are selected.

Last I heard, she was in Colorado but had a different last name (and was very happy about that). But that must have been a decade ago. Ellen is in Las Vegas. Jimi is in Burbank but goes by James now. Cheryl lives way out in the desert near Twenty-nine Palms. And Paul is right here on this forum, we heard from him yesterday! :slight_smile:

Nice work by everyone involved. Will this feature be in the next version?

Yes. I would just say Yes and end it there, but Discourse requires at least 10 characters in a post.