Not Authorized message and quit

Not Authorized

Happens moments after reopening Panorama after an Unexpected Quit. The dialog appears, I press Quit, Panorama Quits.
To resolve this, I restart Panorama and all appears fine.

I had exactly the same thing yesterday for the first time but I don’t recall that I had an unexpected quit.

And it happened just before Pan6 stopped working for me:

Clicking on Registration… just makes the error window flicker and return. Weird.

Looking forward to the next beta release to make this continuing issue go away.

Hopefully too, the Rename will also be functional.

Actually, there are many things I believe we will see different. Very anxious now.

Moving from a Mojave environment to a new computer with Monterey. Panorama X came up with a Not Authorized dialog and only a Quit option. We downloaded a fresh copy of Panorama X from ProVUE and the new copy gave the same dialog but this time it had a Log In option along with Quit button.

Grrr, I thought that had been removed months ago but I missed a spot. It will be removed in the next beta version. In the meantime, just press the Log In button.