Mojave Issues: Printing, Localization

After using Panorama X under macOS Mojave for some days now, I am noticing some issues.

  1. Image Display Objects are not printed; they don’t even appear in the Preview area of the Print dialog. — There is no print problem with Static Images.

  2. Today I had to print a receipt for a donation. I remember my surprise one year ago: The output in a “amount in words” field with the formula pattern(SaldoEUR,"§ Euro and ¢ Cent~") was displayed in my localized language (German). — Today it appeared in English.

  1. I’ll have to look into this.

  2. I’m quite surprised this displayed in German before also – there is definitely no German in Panorama’s code. I looked at the code, and all the work is done by an Apple API, not by Panorama itself (this is different than Panorama 6). So apparently Apple changed the way this API works. I wonder if there is a new preference in the Advanced panel of the Language & Region system settings that might be affecting this?

I looked for it, but did not find anything.

To be precise: The numbers appeared spelled out in German. Additionally I had changed my output format to:

pattern(SaldoEUR,"§ Euro und ¢ Cent~")

Yes, I understand this. It may simply be an Apple bug in Mojave.

I just saw on Twitter another developer complaining that in Mojave, the system API CFLocaleCopyCurrent is not returning the correct language, only English. I wonder if the NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle API, which Panorama uses to display spelled out numbers, relies on this value. If so, that is probably why this isn’t working, and hopefully Apple will fix it soon.

Just another user reporting that Image Display Objects do not print on report tiles under Mojave. Disappointing. Looking for a work-around, if anyone knows of one.