Line Break Madness

Resurrecting a past topic, it seems that there are constant issues around line breaks. There are numerous avenues that create unwanted variants.

Typing into a cell and using the return key applies line feeds.

When the cell is closed it looks like this:
Pasted Graphic

Copy and paste the record and that same text gets converted to vertical tabs.

When the cell is closed it looks like this:
Pasted Graphic 1

In a procedure, produce the same list using cr() and it creates this

When the cell is closed now, it again looks like this:
Pasted Graphic

Obviously this becomes problematic when trying to process the cell’s contents for an array or anything else that employs the separator.

Yes, we have ways to handle the variations with the likes of lftocr( and crtolf(. And I can understand why copy record would need to eliminate the line breaks. But as often as I find myself trying to resolve issues when one or another appears unexpectedly, it feels like there should be a better way to force them into some consistency.

Just sayin’…

This seems like a bug. Copy Record exports the data, which converts them to vertical tabs. But Paste should convert them back. I’ll have to investigate.

As far consistency between carriage returns and linefeeds goes, unfortunately the history of the MacOS to OS X transition makes that impossible.