Find/Select Dialog Equal vs. default contain

In a procedure I want to execute a Find/Select Dialog

But I don’t want to be mousing around with “contains” and changing it to “Equal” or “=”.

I can’t seem to figure a way to do that in Pan X.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

In Panorama 6 if you wanted to select in a subset of the data you created using Apple L would automatically select a subset. Again now I have to mouse around to do that.

Muscle memory in Pan 6 is strong.


You can do that with the findselectdialog statement.

But I don’t want to be mousing around with “contains” and changing it to “Equal” or “=”.

Sorry, there is no way to do that.

if you wanted to select in a subset of the data you created using Apple L would automatically select a subset.

Sorry, you have to use the mouse to invoke selecting a subset.

Thanks Jim,

I will give it a try.
