Debugging web server issues

I have converted a Pan 6 database to PanX and successfully uploaded it to my test server. The Pan 6 had a dynamically generated webform. Pan X successfully generated that webform flawlessly. However when that form is submitted it generates an “Error in CGI code.”

There is no custom code triggered with the submit. It just uses the “canned” “Update Record” action and displays a new form showing the data. It worked fine in Pan 6 but now does not work.

The server error log does not show an error. The web publishing log shows the data from the form as entered and no indication of any issues.

What is the best way to try to track down what is causing the error?

It sounds like there is a bug in Panorama X Server. Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to provide any support for web publishing features until later in this preview program. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day.