Morph current field dialog covers field names

It would be nice if the morph current field dialog box were either movable or moved down far enough to expose the field names which it now covers up.

That’s the tradeoff of using a dialog sheet vs. a standalone modal dialog. A dialog sheet is attached to the window, and can’t be moved relative to the window. But the big plus is that it is not modal, so you can bring up other windows (being able to access help is especially useful).

In any case, Apple user interface guidelines recommend that dialog sheets be used for operations that are performed on data in the window. That’s the way a modern macOS application is supposed to work, so that’s how Panorama X does work. Modal dialogs should only be used for operations that are not associated with any specific window, for example Open File, Find & Open and Open View. All database operations – search, morph, find & replace, etc. use dialog sheets.

As I work on importing a large text file and moving its data, it would offset the covered names to have a menu to select field names in morphing. It would also be helpful if my last morph was retained, or if I could even go back through recent morph formulas as we could in Pan 6.

Of course you can always manually add the current morph to your Favorites via the star icon in the tool bar. Not automatic but could be partially helpful.

You should also be able to record the morph with the procedure recorder.

It would be a huge help to have a Field menu available for use in the Morph dialog. I find that I often need to copy the involved field names to some other form before Morphing so that I can accurately enter them.

You could open a Formula Workshop window with info(“fields”) as a workaround.

Excellent Suggestion that hadn’t occurred to me.

I’d still love to see a fields menu in the Morph Formula dialog. Such menus are in numerous spots already and that seems like a useful addition.

What am I missing?

Selecting Field/Morph/Morph Field… I get the Morph Field dialog. If the first (leftmost) popdown is ‘Start with Field’, then the 2nd popdown is a list of fields.

I think he’s looking for a Field menu he can use with “Start with Formula” or in the “Fill with Formula” dialog. Those formulas will usually contain one or more fields.

Right Dave. And if I haven’t carefully noted spelling, capitalization, spaces, etc. in advance, my formula will fail.

I’ve added this to the issue tracker.

A suggestion – whenever I need to do this I usually don’t use the Morph dialog, I just temporarily create a procedure and use the formulafill statement.