
Is info(“matrixcell”) supposed to work for both matrixes and Text List Objects or only Matrix Objects?

When I use info(“matrixcell”) with a Text List Object it returns 0 for every cell

It’s just for matrices.


This function returns the current cell number within a matrix object. There are two places this function can be used:

  1. When drawing the matrix (in a formula in an object that is in the matrix frame).
  2. In a procedure that is triggered by clicking on the matrix.

Thank you Dave. Can that be added to the info(“matrixcell”) help page? I would submit the documentation change but I have not had time to learn MarkDown.

I copied that from the info(“matrixcell”) help page, and pasted that into my post. It seems to me, that saying there are two places it can be used, and then listing those two, eliminates every other possibility.

Understood… I think is could be a bit more clear though if something like "works with Text List Objects not Matrix Objects.

The info(“matrixcolumn”) help file record uses almost the same language as the info(“matrixcell”) yet it works with both.

  1. When drawing the matrix (in a formula in an object that is in the matrix frame).
  2. In a procedure that is triggered by clicking on the matrix.

I’m not currently on a computer that can run Panorama, but if its use in a text list can be confirmed, the documentation for info(“matrixcolumn”) needs to be updated.

Although they are undocumented to work with a Text List, both info(“matrixcolumn”) and info(“matrixrow”) work fine in that capacity. Since this is not mentioned specifically in the documentation you have no assurance they will always work in the future.

Looks like I will have to take back my comment about these not being documented for use with the Text List Object. The help file has the info under Text List Programming so using these with TLO should indeed be autorized.

The point of the info(“matrixcell”) function is that it takes into account the matrix Cell Order option, horizontal or vertical. Text List objects don’t have that option, there is no cell order, so cells don’t have a number to be returned.