Formula Workshop Feature Request

The cell that you type in the formula does not expand with a longer formula.

It would be nice to have the formula cell grow vertically as the input content increases.

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I went “under the hood” and changed the Formula Workshop form so the Formula editor is 4+ lines high instead of one and also enabled the vertical scroll bar. I set the Result display to accept rich text as well.


Not recommended for the faint at heart but doable.

It would really be great to have this incorporated into a new build; I’m faint of heart, myself.

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Second this request!

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Third this request… not urgent, but this is such a useful tool for testing odd formulae, it would be great to be able to resize the input and output fields.

Well, it is not that difficult to do. With the Formula Workshop open, click on View>View Search…, and then Formula. Switch to Graphic mode, and change the upper text box size, add the scroll bars, add Rich Text to the lower text box, and save. This will not change the size of the lower box as it opens, but you can drag the entire window larger.

I hope everyone is aware that you can expand the width of this Workshop, you can make it as wide as you want up to the width of the screen.

You can resize the output field simply by expanding the height of the window.

Also, FYI, you can select text in the output area and copy it.

I see that now, and it is in the Formula box, rather than the Results box that I ran out of visible space after stretching the field to the width of the screen. I have ended up with a few ideas where the formula went beyond that length.

My workaround is just to write the idea in TextEdit and then paste that into the box to try it out and see the results. Honestly, this isn’t a huge inconvenience, but since I was searching the forum to see if I was missing a way to stretch the data entry box, I thought I’d add my vote to an eventual scroll or stretch option. In the meantime, I may try out what @BruceDeB suggests.

Update: I just did what @BruceDeB described above and it worked like a charm. It’s really as easy as editing any other form. I just selected all the elements and moved them lower, then selected the group of formula elements and moved them back to the top and expanded the text entry field to fill the gap. I don’t know if it’s important, but when you move or touch the “elastic window” box it jumps to the foreground. I sent it to the back before saving, but that may not be important.

The caveat with this is that it will have to be redone with every version update. I stopped doing this myself when we were getting several updates of the pre-public beta version every few days. I’ll probably reconfigure mine again when I feel there will not be so many frequent updates.

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