Footer Tile Question/Problem

To All Who Contributed to This Topic,

This is a truly great forum. Excellent ideas and suggestions.

Jim, you are correct. Preview and Adobe Acrobat give identical results, which on reflection, makes sense. Those apps are merely giving an image of what PanX intends to print.

KLM, that was a perceptive observation. I did have my Page Setup set for a particular printer (HP 6700). But when I changed it to “Any Printer”, it made no difference.

And I can’t believe it is something wrong with my Mac system. After all, my Pan6 reports handle the Footer tile just fine - always has. And no other application is giving me odd printer results. And no other PanX tiles (Data, Header, Summary, etc.) show unexpected behavior.

Only rblatchly reported a similar Footer problem, but in a special circumstance (duplicate Footer tiles). But that special circumstance should not result in the Footer tile moving below the page. In fact, an extraneous tile should not result in any error at all. PanX should just ignore the second tile.

In the final analysis, this problem is not a big deal. I will just add a margin tile to all my PanX report forms and proceed merrily along. If and when an update “fixes” this problem, I will delete the superfluous margin tile, and all will be fine.

Someday, Jim will be looking over the millions of code lines in PanX, and say “Gee, this one line of code will cause Vic’s Footer tile to drop below the page!” He’ll fix it, and no one will be the wiser.

Thanks again to everybody.


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