Email Attachment

Is it possible to email a form as a PDF attachment? I am still using Panorama 6, I see that there is a Apple Mail w Attachments channel.

Panorama 6 doesn’t support email attachments. The Apple Mail w/Attachments channel did not come from ProVUE and is not included with Panorama itself, it was written by a Panorama customer (my apologies to the author but I don’t remember at the moment who that was).

I don’t believe he was a customer at the time. The Apple Mail w/Attachments channel was written by David Thompson.

I figured it was David but I wasn’t 100% sure of my recall.

Are there any instructions or a sample procedure?

The only instructions are in the description you see when you choose the Mail w Attachments module in the channel preferences.

27 AM

Note that you must use the SENDEMAIL command if you want to send an attachment. Its options parameter was open ended enough for me to add another option. The path used with the Attachment= option needs to be a complete colon separated path, starting with the volume name.

If you are also making the pdf with a procedure, you will need to use the PDFSETUP custom statement. This wasn’t written by Provue either, so it’s not in the Panorama Reference wizard, but you can find it documented in the Custom Statements wizard.

12 AM

I should mention there is an issue with recent versions of Mail. For those you need to download the revised version of the Mail w Attachments module.