Colorizing a record?

It’s because Panorama X 10.1.2 was released on November 15th, and this release properly support emojis. The feature Dave described was really a bug, which has now been fixed. Panorama also now has a function that makes it super easy to insert emoji’s by name. Try this formula:


Here’s an example that uses this feature to fill a column named AccountOK with a thumbs up or thumbs down depending on whether the Balance field is positive or negative.

field AccountOK
formulafill ":thumbs"+?(Balance>0,"up","down")+":"

Just for info Jim - the Emoji Cheat Sheet link delivers a blank page.

Hmm, I’m not sure what happened there – the documentation source shows the correct link, but it is apparently getting lost somewhere between the source and the actual help page. Here is the correct link.

I’ve created a Bitbucket issue to remind myself to look into it, I don’t have time at the moment.

Thanks for the update, Jim. “expandemojis()” works well.

Here is some further technical information on emojis and generating them within Panorama X.

The easiest way to deal with emojis is obviously to copy and paste them directly into forms, procedures and your datasheet. They can also be entered using the built-in Apple Emoji & Symbols menu option in the Edit menu which opens the Character Viewer containing the available emojis. Selecting and double clicking the emoji will paste it into the current window or you can drag the emoji to that window. There is no way to directly copy only the emoji from the Character Viewer but you can right click on the emoji and select Copy Character Info and that will be added to the clipboard and contains the emoji along with the short name and the Unicode and UTF values:

thumbs up
Unicode: U+1F44D U+1F3FC, UTF-8: F0 9F 91 8D F0 9F 8F BC

I guess I should point out the difference between the short name (CLDR Short Name) and the “cheat codes” (also known as shortcodes) as used with Panorama’s emojicheats( and expandemojis( functions. The short name is part of the official Unicode data and often very similar to the cheat codes. The short name can vary between languages and versions so it is of little use with Panorama’s emoji functions. The cheat codes or shortcodes are used with social media and begin and end with a : character with spaces converted to the _ character if used. Most emojis do not have a cheat code so the use of them is rather limited. The above thumbs up emoji has a cheat code of :thumbsup: which simply encloses the short name with :'s and eliminates the space altogether. The Emoji Cheat Sheet link in the Panorama Help file under the emoji functions is currently broken but you can view it in your default browser with the link Jim gave earlier.

Other than copy/paste and using cheat codes you can produce emojis in Panorama using the chr( function. Some simple emojis have only one value that you can use directly such as chr(9995) or alternately chr(0x271B) which produces “”. Many emojis have multiple code points and thus require the use of multiple chr( functions. A few of the major flags have cheat codes but most do not and have double code points. To produce the Hungarian flag for example you could use either of these formulas:

chr(127469)+chr(127482) or chr(0x1F1ED)+chr(0x1F1FA) ☞ 🇭🇺

Some emojis have additional options that can make them rather involved. Here is an emoji example of a man with medium-light skin tone and blond hair:

chr(0x1F471)+chr(0x1F3FC)+chr(0x200D)+chr(0x2642) ☞ :man_blond_hair:t3:

In this case the second code point is the skin tone and the final code point indicates blond hair. You can find a complete list of all these code point variations at:

The skin tones for example can be set to 5 shades:

1F3FB - light - 🏻
1F3FB - medium light - 🏼
1F3FB - medium - 🏽
1F3FB - medium dark - 🏾
1F3FB - dark - 🏿

I doubt most folks will ever need this info but I thought I’d share it nonetheless.

I certainly hope the formatting of a record comes back as well. Not only for color but bold and italics as well at toggling a summary level. This was a major feature I used extensively. Flags and trying to set up a form does not allow me to do what I needed to do as easily as it was in 6. So I am back to 6.

I’m converting one of my MANY databases and it relies heavily on record color. Couldn’t figure how to do it in Pan X so i came to the forum and found this. Not having the ability to set colors in certain records is a major blow as far as I’m concerned. I relied on that ability quite a bit. Yet another DOWNGRADE from Pan 6!

I agree that toggling a summary level was/is a feature that I use almost every time I use Panorama 6. I use it to mark records that need more inspection, are duplicate, meet a certain criteria etc. that I need, and then the ability to Select Summary records would pull them together. That feature alone has kept me from upgrading my computer to the latest Mac OS and to fully switch to Panorama X. I set up a macro where a right click on the mouse would toggle the record. I’m sure it was never intended to be used that way but it is very handy. I think I remember Jim saying he did not care for that feature also.

All those things can easily be done in PanX via adding an extra field, which you might name ‘Mark.’ Check out Automatic Field Code in Help. You could have its field value toggle with a click. You could also simply code a popup menu to appear letting you mark, or unmark just the current record, or all selected records, or let you select all marked records. You could mark colorfully by using color emojis for your ‘mark’ characters. And without the potential problems from using the summary feature in ways for which it wasn’t intended.